Generate A Ppk Public Key On Mac

Posted By admin On 17.12.20

This guide will show you how to enable SSH (remote login) on your Mac OS X machine and connect to it using a private key file (.ppk) while disabling password logins (more secure). In this example, we will setup the remote connection using Putty.

SSH Access - Generating a Public/Private Key How to generate and use SSH Keys. What Are SSH Connections - How To Edit In PuTTY, Mac, & Linux What is SSH and how do I setup secure connections. Generate a GPG/PGP key using SSH I would like to know how to create a new gpg key using SSH access. Creating a key pair using Amazon EC2 Importing your own public key to Amazon EC2 Tagging a Key Pair Retrieving the public key for your key pair on Linux Retrieving the public key for your key pair on Windows Retrieving the public key for your key pair from your instance Verifying your key pair's fingerprint Deleting your key pair Adding or replacing a key pair for your instance Connecting to.

  1. Enable SSH on your Mac. Go to System Preferences -> Sharing -> Remote Login.
  1. Now, we will generate our private and public SSH keys on our Mac. Open Terminal and type the following commands.

Create a .ssh directory. This directory will be hidden in your Mac X User home path.

Generate SSH private and public keys.

  1. Now, we want to create an authorized_keys file in the same directory to allow remote hosts to connect to our Mac using the key file we just generated.

Create the authorized_keys file in Terminal.

  1. Let’s take a look at the keys and authorized keys files we just created. At the menu bar, select Go -> Go to Folder… and type /Users/USER/.ssh replacing USER with your Mac X username. We see 3 files.

authorized_keys - your shared public key file

id_rsa - your private key - your public key

  1. We want to copy our Public Key exactly into our authorized_keys file. Open and copy the text into your authorized_keys file. Save the file. (To do this, you can drag both files to your Desktop to gain access to perform the copies if needed, then drag back to the .ssh folder). See example below.
  1. In order to use Putty to connect via SSH via a private key, we must convert the id_rsa private key to Putty format (.ppk). We will use PuttyGen.exe to convert our id_rsa private key to a .ppk file. Download and install PuttyGen here.

Note:You can run PuttyGen.exe on Mac OS X following this guide. Otherwise, you will need to run PuttyGen on a Windows machine.

  1. Launch PuttyGen.exe and click Load.
  1. For Files of Type select All Files. Locate and select your id_rsa private key.
  1. Click Save private key. Click Yes to save without a password (this is not needed). You can name the file whatever you want.

You now have a .ppk file we can use for our Putty connection. Save this key somewhere safe and never share it with anyone!

Next, we will configure SSH on our Mac to only allow key authentications and disable password authentications. Autocad 2013 product key generator. This will immediately drop a connection made to our Mac unless a key file is being used (more secure).

Configure SSH on Mac OS X to Force Private Key Authentication Only

Generate A Ppk Public Key On Mac Pro

  1. At the menu bar, select Go -> Go to Folder… and type /etc/ssh/ and hit return.
  1. Open the sshd_config file. (To edit this, file you can drag it to your Desktop to edit then drag back to same folder)
  1. We need to change 2 lines in sshd_config file.

Change UsePAM no

Uncomment and change PasswordAuthentication no

  1. Save the ssh_config file.
  1. Restart Mac X remote login for our changes to take affect. Go to System Preferences -> Sharing -> Remote Login and turn off / on.

Now, we can use Putty to create an SSH connection to our Mac we generated our keys on. Download and install Putty here.

Note:You can run Putty.exe on Mac OS X following this guide.

Open Putty and create a new connection. We will point to our private key file (.ppk). Go to Connection -> SSH -> Auth and load the .ppk file here. This can be tricky, ensure your creating a new connection in Putty and saving it so it remembers the key we just imported.

Try connecting. You will receive a login prompt for username. This will be the user of your Mac (any other username you put here will fail immediately).

If successful, you will login to your shell immediately pictured below! No password needed!

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FileZilla is most popular FTP client used by users for connecting FTP server from local system. It has lots of features to use a remote server. But most of them don’t have more idea of how to connect sftp using Filezilla.

If you don’t want to use a password, you can simply use SSH private key with Filezilla to authenticate on a key basis. This article will help you to How to import private key in Filezilla for sftp access.

Download FileZilla Client: click here to download filezilla client

Generate A Ppk Public Key On Mac Keyboard


FileZilla Client: You must have Filezilla client installed on your system.
SSH Private Key: You must have ssh private key to attach with Filezilla client.

Step 1 – Start Filezilla

I hope you better know how to start Filezilla on your system. We can start Filezilla using a shortcut or through program files or command line.

Step 2 – Add Key in Filezilla

Follow the given below screenshots to add primary key in filezilla.


Ubnt generate rsa-key command get public key. Go to Edit Menu and Click on Settings Submenu.


Select SFTP under Connection and click Add key file.


Select private key file. You Key file will be added in List. Now Just click OK.

Generate Ppk File From Pem

Some times Filezilla prompt to convert key in the case provided key is not in the correct format which Filezilla supports. Feel free to convert the file and save with some other name.

Generate A Ppk Public Key On Mac Download

Step 3 – Connect to SFTP Server

Generate A Ppk Public Key On Mac And Cheese

Enter the detail of Host, Username and Port ( if not using default ) and click on Quickconnect


Generate A Ppk Public Key On Mac Free

You may also visit for video tutorial. Thank You! for using this article.