Generate License Key For Hana 2.0
Posted By admin On 12.12.20How to Install SAP HANA License. Data required for the license key request.How to request for SAP HANA License Key. Authorizations to apply SAP HANA License. How to get Hardware key and installation number. Apply HANA license.
Major Differences between SAP HANA 1.0 and SAP HANA 2.0: The most remarkable feature of HANA is that redo log encryption is possible. Post activation, log entries undergo encryption using a 256 bit long root key. Analytic Privileges are used to limit access on HANA Information views. You can assign different types of right to different users on different component of a View in Analytic Privileges. Sometimes, it is required that data in the same view should not be accessible to other users who do not have any. Serial Key Generator is application specially designed for software developers to help protect your applications by serial key registration. Just in a few clicks you are able to generate serial. If the license in the backup is a permanent license and is still valid, the new tenant will get a temporary license key valid for 90 days and need a new permanent license key. If the license in the backup is a temporary license key or an expired license, this license will be deleted from the new tenant and it is immediately in lock down.
You must request a license key in the following cases:
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- The current license key is about to expire.
- You have changed the hardware. As a result, the hardware key has changed. Your database continues to run with a temporary license key that was generated automatically.
- There is a change of the main memory amount.
- A change of the system ID of your existing SAP HANA database is planned, for example, due to recovering, copying, and/or renaming. A valid license key for the new system ID must be available for the change to avoid a system standstill.
- If there is a change of the installation number due to the reassignment of a system.
To request a license key, you require an S user and the “Request License Key” authorization for the installation number or customer number you require. If you do not have the required authorization, or if you do not have an S user, create a message under XX-SER-SAPSMP-USR.
If your SAP system runs in combination with an SAP HANA database, note that you must create two systems and system IDs. Create one system ID (SID) for the SAP system as usual, and create the second SID for the SAP HANA database. Do not request the SAP HANA database license key for an existing system.Procedure:To request your license key, always access SAP Service Marketplace at (this is a simple and safe way to request your license key).
1) Data required for the license key request:
->Installation number
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->System ID
->System type
->SAP product
->Product version
->Hardware key
->Operating system
->Main memory amount in GB
Info: All the incoming requests are processed automatically within a few hours (maximum processing time: three working days).
2) Determining the hardware key and the SID You can get this information in SAP HANA studio from the Properties page of the system as below:
- In the SAP HANA studio, select your system in the navigator -> right click -> Properties -> License tab.
- In the navigation area, choose the option to display the license. Note that you require the system authorization LICENSE ADMIN to access this page.
3) License key requestProceed as described below to create a license key request on SAP Service Marketplace at
On the “Request license keys” tab page, choose either “Search an installation” or “select it from a list” and search for an ERP or an SAP NetWeaver installation.
In the installation list, you can enter the installation number directly in the blank field in the column for the installation.
Alternatively, you can also use the installation search. Here, the system displays all of the installation numbers for which you have to request the license key authorization.
4) License key request for a new SAP HANA database Choose “New system” option and enter all required data provide below.
Provide the below listed data.
->Provide the System ID
Fifa 14 origin key generator download. ->Product type
->Product Version
->Hostname of Server
->System Usage Type
->Operating System Type
To proceed to the hardware data, choose “Continue”.
->Enter your hardware key
->License Type
->Quantity (Amount of main memory in GB)
->Validity until
Choose “Save” to save your entries. Choose “Continue” to display all the system data again. Enter your e-mail address and choose “Send”.Info: You can also split your acquired SAP HANA license (total amount) over several instances (also over several installation numbers). For test and development systems, you can request license keys as required. These license keys are permanent and contain the licensed memory amount number for each request at the most.
5) Downloading the license keyLogin to SAP Market Place and Navigate to keys & Requests -> license Keys -> Select it from list
->From the SAP License Installation Overview screen select the respective installation.
->click the required system ID and Choose “Display System”
->In the next screen Choose “Continue” and select the relevant entry.
->Then choose “Display license script” and “Download to PC”.
->You can then choose “Open – File – Save as” to save the license key file directly to your host.
6) Installing the license key You can install a permanent license key received by e-mail or by means of a download in your SAP HANA database only by using the SAP HANA studio. The prerequisite for this is a database user with the system authorization LICENSE ADMIN. Carry out the following steps to do this:
- In the SAP HANA studio, navigate to the properties page of the relavant database for which you have requested the license key.
- On the properties page, choose the button for “installing the license key”.
- Navigate to your license file and select it.
- After a successful confirmation, the properties page of the system is updated with the new license information if this is valid for the database.
Another way of installing a license key is to use the SQL command line of the SAP HANA studio. In this case, you also require a database user with the system authorization LICENSE ADMIN, who can install a license key with the following SQL command:
SET SYSTEM LICENSE ”content of license file”
Note that you must use the complete content of the license file, including the line breaks, for this command.
If the specified license data is correct and corresponds to the database (hardware key, system ID), the license is updated in the database and you can verify it in the system view M_LICENSE.
If a production standstill occurs, you can create a message with priority 1 under component XX-SER-LIKEY to request atemporary license key that is valid for one week. The following data is required for the license key to be issued: System ID, hardware key, and installation number. The key is issued immediately. Request a permanent license key within this week.
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Analytic Privileges are used to limit access on HANA Information views. You can assign different types of right to different users on different component of a View in Analytic Privileges.
Sometimes, it is required that data in the same view should not be accessible to other users who do not have any relevant requirement for that data.
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Suppose you have an Analytic view EmpDetails that has details about employees of a company- Emp name, Emp Id, Dept, Salary, Date of Joining, Emp logon, etc. Now if you do not want your Report developer to see Salary details or Emp logon details of all employees, you can hide this by using Analytic privileges option.
Analytic Privileges are only applied to attributes in an Information View. We cannot add measures to restrict access in Analytic privileges.
Analytic Privileges are used to control read access on SAP HANA Information views.
So we can restrict data by Empname, EmpId, Emp logon or by Emp Dept and not by numerical values like salary, bonus.
Creating Analytic Privileges
Right Click on Package name and go to new Analytic Privilege or you can open using HANA Modeler quick launch.
Enter name and Description of Analytic Privilege → Finish. New window will open.
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You can click on Next button and add Modeling view in this window before you click on finish. There is also an option to copy an existing Analytic Privilege package.
Once you click on Add button, it will show you all the views under Content tab.
Choose View that you want to add to Analytic Privilege package and click OK. Selected View will be added under reference models.
Now to add attributes from selected view under Analytic Privilege, click on add button with Associated Attributes Restrictions window.
Add objects you want to add to Analytic privileges from select object option and click on OK.
In Assign Restriction option, it allows you to add values you want to hide in Modeling View from specific user. You can add Object value that will not reflect in Data Preview of Modeling View.
We have to activate Analytic Privilege now, by clicking on Green round icon at top. Status message – completed successfully confirms activation successfully under job log and we can use this view now by adding to a role.
Now to add this role to a user, go to security tab → User → Select User on which you want to apply these Analytic privileges.
Search Analytic Privilege you want to apply with the name and click on OK. That view will be added to user role under Analytic Privileges.
To delete Analytic Privileges from specific user, select view under tab and use Red delete option. Use Deploy (arrow mark at top or F8 to apply this to user profile).