Mh Generations Ultimate Hub Key Quests

Posted By admin On 16.12.20
[Blademaster] Alloy S
Wat: 0
Ice: -5
Sharpener +10
Expert +8
Alloy Helm S―――
Alloy Mail S◯――
Alloy Vambraces S―――
Alloy Coil S◯◯―
Alloy Greaves S◯◯―
[Gunner] Alloy S
Wat: 0
Ice: -5
Reload Spd +10
Expert +8
Alloy Cap S―――
Alloy Vest S◯――
Alloy Guards S―――
Alloy Coat S◯◯―
Alloy Leggings S◯◯―
[Blademaster] Alloy R
Wat: 0
Ice: -5
Expert +12
Handicraft -5
Fate -2
Alloy Helm R―――
Alloy Mail R◯――
Alloy Braces R―――
Alloy Coil R―――
Alloy Greaves R―――
[Gunner] Alloy R
Wat: 0
Ice: -5
Expert +12
Recoil -5
Fate -2
Alloy Cap R―――
Alloy Vest R◯――
Alloy Guards R―――
Alloy Coat R―――
Alloy Leggings R―――
[Blademaster] Battle S
Wat: -5
Ice: 0
Attack +6
Guard +10
Battle Helm S◯――
Battle Mail S◯◯―
Battle Vambraces S◯――
Battle Tassets S―――
Battle Greaves S◯――
[Gunner] Battle S
Wat: -5
Ice: 0
Attack +6
Recoil +10
Battle Cap S◯――
Battle Vest S◯◯―
Battle Guards S◯――
Battle Coat S―――
Battle Leggings S◯――
[Blademaster] Ingot S
Wat: -5
Ice: 0
Ice Atk +13
Fate -6
Ingot Helm S◯――
Ingot Mail S◯――
Ingot Vambraces S―――
Ingot Coil S◯◯◯
Ingot Greaves S―――
[Gunner] Ingot S
Wat: -5
Ice: 0
Ice Atk +13
Fate -6
Ingot Cap S◯――
Ingot Vest S◯――
Ingot Guards S―――
Ingot Coat S◯◯◯
Ingot Leggings S―――
[Blademaster] Ingot R
Wat: -5
Ice: 0
Wind Res +13
Ice Atk +14
Ingot Helm R―――
Ingot Mail R―――
Ingot Vambraces R―――
Ingot Coil R―――
Ingot Greaves R―――
[Gunner] Ingot R
Wat: -5
Ice: 0
Wind Res +13
Ice Atk +14
Ingot Cap R―――
Ingot Vest R―――
Ingot Guards R―――
Ingot Coat R―――
Ingot Leggings R―――
[Blademaster] High Metal S
Wat: -5
Ice: -5
Hearing +9
Protection -5
High Metal Helm S◯――
High Metal Mail S◯――
High Metal Braces S―――
High Metal Tassets S◯◯―
High Metal Greaves S◯――
[Gunner] High Metal S
Wat: -5
Ice: -5
Hearing +10
Protection -5
High Metal Cap S―――
High Metal Vest S◯――
High Metal Guards S―――
High Metal Coat S◯◯―
High Metal Leggings S◯――
[Blademaster] High Metal U
Wat: -5
Ice: -5
Hearing +11
Crit Draw +10
High Metal Helm U―――
High Metal Mail U―――
High Metal Braces U◯――
High Metal Tassets U―――
High Metal Greaves U―――
[Gunner] High Metal U
Fir: 0
Thn: 15
Dra: 0
Protection -5
Expert -10
High Metal Cap U―――
High Metal Vest U―――
High Metal Guards U◯――
High Metal Coat U―――
High Metal Leggings U―――
[Blademaster] Pink Metal Boots
Wat: -1
Ice: -1
Dragon Atk +7
Pink Metal Boots◯――
[Gunner] Pink Metal Feet
Wat: -1
Ice: -1
Dragon Atk +7
Pink Metal Feet◯――
[Blademaster] Lobster
Wat: 20
Ice: -5
Light Eater +10
Thunder Res -15
Lobster Helm◯――
Lobster Mail―――
Lobster Vambraces◯――
Lobster Coil―――
Lobster Greaves◯――
[Gunner] Lobster
Wat: 25
Ice: -5
Light Eater +10
Thunder Res -15
Lobster Cap◯――
Lobster Vest―――
Lobster Guards◯――
Lobster Coat―――
Lobster Leggings◯――
[Blademaster] Obituary S
Wat: -10
Ice: -10
Attack +12
Stamina -5
Obituary Vertex S◯――
Obituary Thorax S◯◯―
Obituary Brachia S◯――
Obituary Elytra S―――
Obituary Crura S―――
[Gunner] Obituary S
Wat: -10
Ice: -10
Attack +12
Stamina -5
Obituary Clypeus S◯――
Obituary Pleuron S◯◯―
Obituary Manus S◯――
Obituary Alae S―――
Obituary Tarsi S―――
[Blademaster] Butterfly S
Wat: -10
Ice: -10
Attack +12
Stamina -5
Butterfly Vertex S◯――
Butterfly Thorax S◯◯―
Butterfly Brachia S◯――
Butterfly Elytra S―――
Butterfly Crura S―――
[Gunner] Butterfly S
Wat: -10
Ice: -10
Attack +12
Stamina -5
Butterfly Clypeus S◯――
Butterfly Pleuron S◯◯―
Butterfly Manus S◯――
Butterfly Alae S―――
Butterfly Tarsi S―――
[Blademaster] Death Stench S
Wat: 5
Ice: -5
Frenzy Res +10
Evasion -6
Death Stench Brain S◯――
Death Stench Muscle S◯◯―
Death Stench Grip S◯◯―
Death Stench Bowels S―――
Death Stench Heel S―――
[Gunner] Death Stench S
Wat: 5
Ice: -5
Frenzy Res +10
Evasion -6
Death Stench Soul S◯――
Death Stench Heart S◯◯―
Death Stench Grasp S◯◯―
Death Stench Belly S―――
Death Stench March S―――
[Blademaster] Death Stench R
Wat: 5
Ice: -5
Frenzy Res +10
Crit Element +10
Death Stench Brain R―――
Death Stench Muscle R―――
Death Stench Grip R◯◯―
Death Stench Bowels R―――
Death Stench Heel R◯――
[Gunner] Death Stench R
Fir: 15
Thn: 5
Dra: 0
Evasion -6
Attack -6
Death Stench Soul R―――
Death Stench Heart R―――
Death Stench Grasp R◯◯―
Death Stench Belly R―――
Death Stench March R◯――
[Blademaster] Vaik S
Wat: 15
Ice: -5
Water Atk +14
Vaik Helm S◯◯―
Vaik Mail S―――
Vaik Braces S◯――
Vaik Faulds S◯◯―
Vaik Greaves S◯――
[Gunner] Vaik S
Fir: 0
Thn: -10
Dra: 0
Ammo Saver +9
Vaik Cap S◯◯―
Vaik Vest S―――
Vaik Guards S◯――
Vaik Coat S◯◯―
Vaik Leggings S◯――
[Blademaster] Aelucanth S
Wat: 0
Ice: -10
Expert +14
Attack -10
Aelucanth Vertex S―――
Aelucanth Thorax S◯――
Aelucanth Brachia S―――
Aelucanth Elytra S◯――
Aelucanth Crura S◯――
[Gunner] Aelucanth S
Wat: 0
Ice: -10
Expert +14
Attack -10
Aelucanth Clypeus S―――
Aelucanth Pleuron S◯――
Aelucanth Manus S―――
Aelucanth Alae S◯――
Aelucanth Tarsi S◯――
[Blademaster] Rhopessa S
Wat: 0
Ice: -10
Expert +14
Attack -10
Rhopessa Vertex S―――
Rhopessa Thorax S◯――
Rhopessa Brachia S―――
Rhopessa Elytra S◯――
Rhopessa Crura S◯――
[Gunner] Rhopessa S
Wat: 0
Ice: -10
Expert +14
Attack -10
Rhopessa Clypeus S―――
Rhopessa Pleuron S◯――
Rhopessa Manus S―――
Rhopessa Alae S◯――
Rhopessa Tarsi S◯――
[Blademaster] Patissier's
Wat: 0
Ice: 10
Lasting Pwr +10
Hunger -11
Patissier's Toque◯――
Patissier's Suit―――
Patissier's Gloves―――
Patissier's Sarong◯――
Patissier's Boots―――
[Gunner] Patissier's
Wat: 0
Ice: 10
Lasting Pwr +10
Hunger -11
Patissier's Cap◯――
Patissier's Vest―――
Patissier's Mitts―――
Patissier's Apron◯――
Patissier's Footwear―――
[Blademaster] Skalda S
Wat: -5
Ice: -5
Crit Status +10
Attack -6
Skalda Vertex S◯――
Skalda Thorax S―――
Skalda Brachia S―――
Skalda Elytra S―――
Skalda Crura S◯◯―
[Gunner] Skalda S
Wat: -5
Ice: -5
Crit Status +10
Attack -6
Skalda Clypeus S◯――
Skalda Pleuron S―――
Skalda Manus S―――
Skalda Alae S―――
Skalda Tarsi S◯◯―
[Blademaster] Spio S
Wat: -5
Ice: -5
Crit Status +10
Attack -6
Spio Vertex S◯――
Spio Thorax S―――
Spio Brachia S―――
Spio Elytra S―――
Spio Crura S◯◯―
[Gunner] Spio S
Wat: -5
Ice: -5
Crit Status +10
Attack -6
Spio Clypeus S◯――
Spio Pleuron S―――
Spio Manus S―――
Spio Alae S―――
Spio Tarsi S◯◯―
[Blademaster] Malfestio S
Wat: -10
Ice: 5
Tenderizer +10
Perception +10
Malfestio Helm S―――
Malfestio Mail S―――
Malfestio Braces S◯――
Malfestio Faulds S―――
Malfestio Greaves S◯◯―
[Gunner] Malfestio S
Wat: -10
Ice: 5
Tenderizer +10
Perception +10
Malfestio Cap S―――
Malfestio Vest S―――
Malfestio Guards S◯――
Malfestio Coat S―――
Malfestio Leggings S◯◯―
[Blademaster] Zamtrios
Wat: 15
Ice: 20
Guard +13
Fire Res -11
Zamtrios Helm◯――
Zamtrios Mail―――
Zamtrios Braces―――
Zamtrios Faulds―――
Zamtrios Greaves◯――
[Gunner] Zamtrios
Wat: 15
Ice: 25
Recoil +13
Fire Res -11
Zamtrios Cap◯――
Zamtrios Vest―――
Zamtrios Guards―――
Zamtrios Coat―――
Zamtrios Leggings◯――
[Blademaster] Khezu S
Wat: 5
Ice: 10
Rec Speed +13
Khezu Helm S―――
Khezu Mail S―――
Khezu Vambraces S◯◯―
Khezu Tassets S―――
Khezu Greaves S◯――
[Gunner] Khezu S
Fir: -20
Thn: 25
Dra: 5
Rec Level +10
Khezu Cap S―――
Khezu Vest S―――
Khezu Guards S◯◯―
Khezu Coat S―――
Khezu Leggings S◯――
[Blademaster] Khezu R
Wat: 5
Ice: 10
Rec Level +9
Rec Speed +13
Khezu Helm R―――
Khezu Mail R―――
Khezu Braces R◯――
Khezu Tassets R◯◯―
Khezu Greaves R◯――
[Gunner] Khezu R
Wat: 5
Ice: 10
Rec Level +9
Rec Speed +13
Khezu Cap R―――
Khezu Vest R―――
Khezu Guards R◯――
Khezu Coat R◯◯―
Khezu Leggings R◯――
[Blademaster] Rathian S
Wat: 0
Ice: 0
Rec Level +9
Rec Speed -8
Rathian Helm S◯――
Rathian Mail S―――
Rathian Braces S―――
Rathian Faulds S◯――
Rathian Greaves S◯――
[Gunner] Rathian S
Wat: 0
Ice: 0
Rec Level +9
Rec Speed -8
Rathian Cap S◯――
Rathian Vest S―――
Rathian Guards S―――
Rathian Coat S◯――
Rathian Leggings S◯――
[Blademaster] EX Rathian
Wat: 0
Ice: 0
Rec Level +10
Sense -10
EX Rathian Helm◯――
EX Rathian Mail―――
EX Rathian Braces◯――
EX Rathian Faulds―――
EX Rathian Greaves◯◯―
[Gunner] EX Rathian
Wat: 0
Ice: 0
Rec Level +10
Sense -10
EX Rathian Cap◯――
EX Rathian Vest―――
EX Rathian Guards◯――
EX Rathian Coat―――
EX Rathian Leggings◯◯―
  1. Mh Generations Vs Generations Ultimate
  2. Mh Generations Ultimate

Mh Generations Vs Generations Ultimate

Dual BladesTigrex Claws LV6x3
Dual BladesColossus's Daggers LV8x3
Dual BladesSmoldering Kingdoms LV8x3
Dual BladesSilverwind Daggers LV14x2
Charge BladeTigrex Blade LV6x3
Charge BladeGlavenus Bardred LV8x3
Insect GlaiveMaster's Rage Cudgel LV6x3
Insect GlaiveGlavenus Helldait LV8x3
Hunting HornTigrex Horn LV6x3
Hunting HornGrand Dodotto Horn LV7x4
Hunting HornColossus's Koto LV8x3
Hunting HornGlavenus Horn LV8x3
Heavy BowgunTigrex Skull LV5x2
Heavy BowgunThunderblitz Cannon LV6x2
Heavy BowgunDespot's Paroxysm LV5x2
Heavy BowgunGlavenus Scorcher LV6x2
Heavy BowgunDawn's Rage LV14x2
Light BowgunTail Launcher LV7x2
Light BowgunTigrex Wargun LV6x2
Light BowgunColossus's Blaster LV6x3
Light BowgunDaybreak's Gaze LV14x2
Long SwordAccomplished Abetter LV5x2
Long SwordSerrated Chasm LV11x4
Long SwordTigrine Need LV6x3
Long SwordDarkness Within LV9x3
Long SwordAqua Scythe LV5x3
Long SwordGlavenus Hellraiser LV8x3
Long SwordCrystal Rabbit LV14x2
Long SwordTreacherous Swirl LV14x2
Great SwordDark of Night LV7x3
Great SwordWyvern Gnasher LV5x3
Great SwordBlade of Tartarus LV8x2
Great SwordTigrex Great Sword LV6x3
Great SwordSaffron Serpentroar LV9x2
Great SwordAmaranth Battlefang LV9x4
Great SwordPoison Serpentblade LV7x2
Great SwordGlavenus Array LV8x3
Great SwordRadiant Sword LV14x2
Sword & ShieldSerpent Soul LV9x2
Sword & ShieldPanja Sedition LV4x4
Sword & ShieldCocksure Compatriots LV8x4
Sword & ShieldGlinting Glavenus LV8x3
Sword & ShieldOfficial Truncheon LV14x2
Sword & ShieldSilverwind Edge LV14x2
Sword & ShieldExalted Falchion LV3x4
HammerSkullsploder LV8x4
HammerRetribution Hammer LV8x4
HammerWild Bull Crusher LV9x2
HammerNight Eternal LV7x2
HammerGlavenus's Uruga LV8x3
HammerSilverwind Hammer LV14x2
LanceNight Rains Black LV7x2
LanceGlavenus Granat LV8x3
BowJinx Bow LV5x2
BowAshen Pride LV6x3
BowAmple Bowfish LV7x3
BowMoonless Dawn LV14x2
BowKayachacha Slinger LV2x2
Switch AxeGiganto-Dasher LV8x2
Switch AxeColossus's Axe LV8x3
Switch AxeGlavenus's Grimace LV8x3
GunlanceBlue Devil Opus LV5x2
GunlanceTigrex Gunlance LV6x3
GunlanceDemonic Blizzard LV7x2
GunlanceGlavenus Brewer LV8x3
GunlanceSleeper Duke LV4x2

Mh Generations Ultimate

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